Why You Need to Be on TikTok if You Make YouTube Videos
I don't think you'll be surprised to hear that video is all the rage right now online.
What's more--if you haven't heard--is TikTok.
And no.
Not the Kesha song.
TikTok is a new up and coming social media platform that focuses on short-form video content.
If you remember Vine from way back in the day (Logan Paul's humble beginnings), it operates in a similar manner.
Users are able to upload videos with popular music as their soundtracks that range anywhere from 5 to 60 seconds.
15 seconds seems to be the sweet spot from what we've seen.
"Is this related to Musical.ly or Vine?"
Yes, yes it is.
TikTok is big on videos that are very similar to vine--gymnastics, pranks, and the like--while also simultaneously incorporating the music-focused elements of musical.ly, such as lip-syncing and dancing.
Musical.ly was founded in 2014 by two Chinese entrepreneurs before getting acquired by ByteDance (Beijing-based media and tech company) for a whopping 1 Billion.
ByteDance, who had launched TikTok in 2016, realized that while their app was reigning in Asia, acquiring Musical.ly (which was popular in the USA and Europe) and subsequently merging the two apps would be an excellent business move to broaden their audience.
"Why is this important to me?"
If you make videos online, for any reason, then you NEED to be on TikTok.
Okay, you don't need to be on TikTok, but it would be in your best interest to do so.
In September of 2018 and September of 2019, TikTok was announced as the most downloaded social media mobile app worldwide on both iOS and Android with over 60 million downloads.
Bear in mind though, that 44% of these downloads were in India and 8% were in the USA, so not every account or install may be done by an actual active user.
Before intense moderation systems are set-up, it's common for new-ish platforms to experience surges of botting users to inflate post likes and stats.
Secondly, Generation-Z seems to be the most active audience on this platform, so if your brand, product, or service appeals to this audience, you cannot afford to skip out on TikTok.
Well, technically you can, but it isn't recommended.
"Is anyone already using it for marketing?"
At this point in time, whenever a new social media channel arrives on the scene everyone involved with internet marketing will begin to storm the beaches.
Using a fresh social media platform can ultimately be the spark many businesses need to get the 'sales-fire' burning.
Pay attention closely, below we're going to share some crazy video marketing stats with you and why TikTok is an excellent place to continue to upload your content to.
Video Marketing Trends (Source)
- Video will form 82% of internet traffic by the year 2020
- Instagram has over a billion users and 500 million daily active users
- TikTok with one billion app downloads--across Android and iOS in 2018--has surpassed Instagram and Facebook to become the most downloaded app in 2019
- Twitter attributed half of its 2018 Q1 ad revenue to the video format
- Twitter launched 6-second video bidding for advertisers this August
- Users prefer to watch videos without sound, according to WordStream's compilation of video marketing statistics
Mobile video consumption is at an all-time high, coupled with videos that are 15 seconds in length or shorter.
Moreover--like Instagram--TikTok gives users the opportunity to go viral by clever use and placement of hashtags.
If video content is going to form 80% of future internet traffic alongside a constantly shortening attention span, TikTok's popularity will only continue to grow in the coming months.
TikTok is not just another video marketing trend that will fade away.
Kids (Gen-Z) and TikTok (Source 1, Source 2)
If your target audience includes anyone in their teens or early 20s, chances are they're hanging out on TikTok.
The majority of TikTok's userbase is currently under 30 years old, and to top it off, spend the longest average amount of time on TikTok compared to other social media apps.
Furthermore, TikTok has already released a beta version of the TikTok Marketplace to help companies connect with relevant influencers for sponsorship purposes.
Monetizing your business or brand via a social media channel has become the new norm and the developers are responding in kind.
TikTok is an illustration of what the future holds for social media marketing. Additionally, to reach younger audiences effectively, getting a foothold in the 'latest and greatest' app will always be a necessity.
"Alright, I get it. TikTok is a great marketing opportunity. So what should I do?"
Don't overthink it.
If you haven't yet dabbled in video marketing yet, an expensive studio set-up is not at all required.
In fact, we'd discourage it.
Video marketing is all about creating rapport.
Rapport is created through trust, relatability, and authenticity.
If all you have is your iPhone and some natural light coming through a window, trust us, almost everyone will be able to relate to that.
Don't get us wrong here, there is a time and place for a quality set-up, but when you first begin it isn't necessary whatsoever.
To start, keep it simple.
Try uploading the same content you would upload to youtube or make short trailers for the content you already have posted there.
By the same token, see what's trending in your niche and create similar content that touches on the same topic.
From there, you can experiment with what works and what doesn't inside your niche.
"What if my brand/business/[insert project here] doesn't 'work' with TikTok?"
We get it.
Not every niche or project will be compatible or appropriate with TikTok.
It may still be worth a shot though.
You can always post snippets of longer videos if the length concerns you, and likewise not even go with the 'theme' of TikTok at all.
In other words, if you're running a bodybuilding YouTube Channel, don't feel pressured to lip-sync your workout playlist for the sake of uploading a TikTok video.
Snippets of your primary videos should do, or even simple announcements of new content postings on other channels.
And as mentioned above, if you really can't think of anything to post, look around and see what other content creators in your space are doing and then do that. Simple.
At the end of the day though, if TikTok really doesn't work for your niche, it isn't the end of the world.
Video platforms will come and go, but video itself will most likely be here forever.
So if TikTok isn't in the cards, stick to YouTube and then branch out to BitChute, D.Tube, IGTV, and other similar platforms.
We've also heard of some content creators using Amazon Video Direct.
Lastly, our new favorite video platform is BitTubers--be sure to check out that one too!
"Is it too late to become famous on TikTok?"
We were initially not going to address this question, but we feel like it is beneficial to briefly touch on this.
It is never 'too late' for anything.
It is worth noting though that while hitting a platform hard when it is new and fresh will greatly improve your chances of becoming a 'famous influencer,' this fact should not deter you from trying.
In other words, if you're arriving late to the party, it is still in your best interest to give it all you got.
You never know what can happen or how the algorithms can suddenly work some magic in your favor.
As the old adage goes, 'The harder you work, the luckier you get."
On the plus-side, if you're already thinking along these lines, you're all set to take action on the next new platform.
And trust us.
There will be one. There always is.
Pour Conclure
If you make videos, give TikTok a shot.
TikTok combines both the trend of video marketing and its beloved partner--shorter attention spans--into a lovely union.
If your target audience is under thirty years old, you have nothing to lose by trying it out, and you'll likely see some great gains.
Not to mention if you're looking for fresh influencers for your new physical products brand, TikTok may be the place to look.
At the least, repost your content used on other platforms there and see what happens.
It can't hurt.
We're rootin' for ya!
-Alexander @ Lumiere Visuals
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